Welcome back to the fly shop fishing report! This weeks report comes with some dropping temperature’s and that translates to some happy fish. Higher elevation lakes still seem to be coming out on top as the lower temps down in the valley bottom means there’s been some single digit nighttime lows at elevation bringing the surface temps down into the low 60’s range and that seems to have fish on the feed.
Chironomid larvae activity continues to be quite high on a number of lakes as the little larvae get set to pupate in the coming weeks the trout seek them out in deeper water so if your marking fish on your sounder right close to the bottom this time of year tie on a bloodworm and hold on tight! Those fishing early morning sessions have been greeted with fish up on the shoals seeking out staple foods such as scuds and leeches. Scuds become a big part of a trout’s diet as fall sets in and they are always a good bet either drifted under a strike indicator along a weedy edge or stripped on a slow sinking line over a marl bottom. Shrimp are an absolute staple in the fall so if ya haven’t fished them or are looking for more ideas on how, swing by the shop and we can get ya set up and review some great presentation tactics with you.
Have a great weekend if your heading out, be safe , have fun, keep em wet and dont forget your life jackets! TIghtlies out there folks.